The Social Model of Disability

The Social Model of Disability

  • Prakash Bartaula
  • 11 July, 2024
6 Min Read

This view, originating from disability rights activism in the 1970s, shifts focus from addressing or managing conditions to creating inclusive environments by eliminating physical, attitudinal, communication, and social obstacles. Unlike the medical model, which considers disability a personal health issue, the social model stresses societal responsibility to accommodate diverse needs, facilitating equal participation, accessibility, and rights for people with disabilities.

The Social Model of Disability: A Comprehensive Guide

The social model of disability represents a revolutionary shift in how we perceive and address disability in society.

This comprehensive guide aims to explain the social model, its implications, and how it contrasts with traditional perspectives on disability. By embracing this model, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and accessible world for everyone.

The Social Model of Disability

Introduction: Defining the Social Model

The social model of disability is a framework that views disability as a result of the interaction between individuals with impairments and an environment filled with physical, attitudinal, communication, and social barriers. Unlike traditional models that focus on the individual’s condition, the social model emphasizes that it is society’s failure to accommodate diverse needs that creates disability.

This perspective was first articulated by disability rights activists in the 1970s and has since gained widespread recognition. The core principle of the social model is that disability is not an inherent quality of an individual but rather a construct of society’s failure to meet the needs of people with diverse abilities.

The Social Model vs. The Medical Model: A Paradigm Shift

To fully appreciate the social model, it’s essential to compare it with the traditional medical model of disability. This comparison highlights the fundamental shift in perspective:

  1. Definition of Disability:
    • Social Model: Disability is the result of societal barriers and lack of accommodation.
    • Medical Model: Disability is a health condition or impairment within the individual.
  2. Focus of Intervention:
    • Social Model: Removing societal barriers and creating inclusive environments.
    • Medical Model: Treating, curing, or managing the individual’s condition.
  3. Perspective on the Individual:
    • Social Model: People with disabilities are diverse individuals with equal rights and value.
    • Medical Model: People with disabilities are patients or problems to be solved.
  4. Responsibility for Change:
    • Social Model: Society must adapt to accommodate all individuals.
    • Medical Model: The individual must adapt or be rehabilitated to fit into society.
  5. Language and Terminology:
    • Social Model: Emphasizes person-first language and positive terminology.
    • Medical Model: Often uses clinical and potentially stigmatizing language.
  6. Goal of Intervention:
    • Social Model: Full participation and equality in society.
    • Medical Model: Normalization or achieving a “normal” state.
  7. View on Independence:
    • Social Model: Independence is about having control over one’s life and choices.
    • Medical Model: Independence is about performing tasks without assistance.
  8. Approach to Education:
    • Social Model: Inclusive education with necessary supports and accommodations.
    • Medical Model: Special education or segregated learning environments.

Real-World Implications and Examples

The social model of disability has profound implications for how we design our world and structure our society. Here are some concrete examples of how this model translates into real-world changes:

  1. Physical Accessibility:
    • Social Model Approach: Buildings are designed with ramps, elevators, and wide doorways to accommodate everyone.
    • Traditional Approach: Wheelchair users are expected to find alternative ways to access buildings with stairs.
  2. Education:
    • Social Model Approach: Schools provide diverse learning materials, assistive technologies, and individualized support.
    • Traditional Approach: Students with learning difficulties are segregated or expected to adapt to standard teaching methods.
  3. Employment:
    • Social Model Approach: Workplaces offer flexible hours, remote work options, and assistive technologies.
    • Traditional Approach: People with chronic illnesses or disabilities are often excluded from the workforce.
  4. Public Transportation:
    • Social Model Approach: Buses and trains are designed to be accessible, with visual and audio announcements for diverse needs.
    • Traditional Approach: Public transport is designed for the “average” user, excluding many people with disabilities.
  5. Communication:
    • Social Model Approach: Information is provided in multiple formats (e.g., braille, sign language, easy-read versions).
    • Traditional Approach: Information is typically provided in a single format, assuming everyone can access it equally.
  6. Cultural Representation:
    • Social Model Approach: Media and arts include diverse representations of disability, promoting inclusion and understanding.
    • Traditional Approach: People with disabilities are often underrepresented or portrayed stereotypically in media.

The UN Convention and Its Impact on National Policies

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), adopted in 2006, marked a significant milestone in the global recognition of the social model of disability. This international treaty has had far-reaching effects on national policies worldwide:

  1. Equal Rights and Non-Discrimination: The CRPD emphasizes that people with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else, prohibiting discrimination in all areas of life.
  2. Accessibility: Nations are required to identify and eliminate obstacles and barriers to accessibility in various domains, including the physical environment, transportation, information, and communications.
  3. Independent Living: The convention promotes the right of people with disabilities to live independently and be included in the community, with access to in-home, residential, and community support services.
  4. Education: It calls for inclusive education systems at all levels, with reasonable accommodations provided to students with disabilities.
  5. Employment: The CRPD recognizes the right of people with disabilities to work on an equal basis with others, promoting equal opportunities and fair treatment in the workplace.
  6. Political Participation: It ensures that people with disabilities can effectively and fully participate in political and public life, including the right to vote and be elected.
  7. Health: The convention calls for equal access to quality health services for people with disabilities.

The adoption of the CRPD has led many countries to review and revise their disability-related legislation and policies, aligning them more closely with the social model of disability.

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Advocating for Change: Implementing the Social Model

Embracing the social model of disability requires active participation from individuals, communities, and institutions. Here are ways to advocate for and implement changes based on this model:

  1. Challenging Stereotypes and Negative Attitudes:
    • Educate others about the social model and its implications.
    • Confront ableist language and assumptions when encountered.
  2. Promoting Accessible Environments:
    • Advocate for universal design principles in public spaces and buildings.
    • Support businesses and organizations that prioritize accessibility.
  3. Using Respectful Language:
    • Adopt person-first language (e.g., “person with a disability” rather than “disabled person”).
    • Avoid euphemisms and patronizing terms.
  4. Supporting Disability Rights Organizations:
    • Volunteer, donate, or participate in events organized by disability advocacy groups.
    • Amplify the voices of disability rights activists on social media and in public discourse.
  5. Inclusive Policy-Making:
    • Encourage the inclusion of people with disabilities in decision-making processes.
    • Support political candidates who prioritize disability rights and inclusion.
  6. Workplace Inclusion:
    • Advocate for inclusive hiring practices and reasonable accommodations in your workplace.
    • Promote disability awareness training for employees and management.
  7. Educational Advocacy:
    • Support inclusive education initiatives in local schools.
    • Advocate for diverse learning materials and teaching methods that accommodate all students.
  8. Technology and Innovation:
    • Encourage the development of assistive technologies and accessible digital platforms.
    • Support research initiatives that aim to improve accessibility and inclusion.

By embracing the social model of disability, we move towards a society that values and includes all its members, regardless of their abilities. This shift not only benefits people with disabilities but enriches our entire community through increased diversity, creativity, and participation.



Prakash Bartaula

Joined : 5 April, 2024

I’m deeply passionate about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and dedicated to exploring its intricacies. Through research, communication, and writing, I aim to shed light on NDIS provisions and empower individuals with disabilities. Join me as we navigate the transformative potential of the NDIS together.

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